Jesus invented Supergirl


I want to share with you a vision of a telestial kingdom.  Don’t become obsessed with Supergirl if you don’t want to go to this telestial kingdom.

When I was “in there” with the Italians (read my entry titled Catholic Torture), they gave me leave offers.  That is, they would propose to me, telepathically, that I leave my house walking.  They said that I was a Real Race Car Baby (read my entries titled Race Car Baby and The Baby) and that I would get to marry starlets if I began a non-location life.  I had to give up living in a home.  I had to wander from city to city on foot.  If I did this, God would set starlets to want to marry me.  He would send angels to go inside them and make them fall in love with me.

A starlet is a young, female, psychic celebrity.  Psychics watch people through remove-viewing powers.  And Jesus commanded psychic Christians to watch at least one Baby.  Well, some psychics watch young girls.  This is a popular thing for psychics to do.  And I would get to marry these young girls because I was a Real Race Car Baby.  They would transmit images of starlets to my mind telepathically.  A leave offer was usually devoted to a certain starlet.

There was a leave offer devoted to Supergirl.  This is because, supposedly, Jesus was the first person to think of a “supergirl.”  He imagined a caped woman in a purple suit with a “super” symbol on her chest.  I don’t know what the Hebrew word for “super” is so I don’t know what exact symbol or Hebrew letter Jesus envisioned on his “supergirl.”  Jesus also said that Supergirl should be a leave offer for the Baby, and that they should set you to want to go at some point, but still keeping you in a state where you have to break a set to go.  When they offered it to me, I remember that I did want to go, but only for like a second.  Then I felt I shouldn’t go.  I didn’t go.

Jesus said that Judas, his apostle, after he had suffered for the sin of betraying Him (read my entry titled Prison Is Literally Hell), would get to go to a telestial kingdom.  A telestial kingdom is the lowest degree of glory in Mormon theology.  It is the lowest of the 3 heavens you can go to.  There are many telestial kingdoms.  I had a vision of the telestial kingdom that Jesus wanted Judas to go to.

In this telestial kingdom, Judas will be reincarnated into a Superman — a dude who can fly.  He is a god over the planet.  He has dominion over all its life.  He flies around and controls things with his mind.

He has a wife on this planet.  And she is Supergirl.  They have super-relations with each other and create more Superkids.  The only way they can talk to God is through the Holy Ghost (for they are actually in something some people would call hell).  People in hell can only have a relationship with God through the Holy Ghost (like people here on Earth).

Anybody who is a big fan of Supergirl will be reincarnated into this life and will share a soul with Judas the Apostle.  Don’t become obsessed with Supergirl if you don’t want to go to this telestial kingdom.  A telestial kingdom is the same thing as hell for a Mormon.

Anyway, a big regret of mine is not leaving my house for this Supergirl leave offer.  They made me run into a young girl wearing a Supergirl shirt at the grocery store.  Then, my dad played my favorite trance song for me at his house.  Then they made the offer.  You see, when they offer you, they give you a set.  In other words, they send spirits to go inside of you and make you not want to go.  You have to break this set in order to fulfill the leave offer.  If you go, they give you the psychic power to make anybody wearing a Supergirl or Superman logo fall in love with you.

I am curious to see if I get to go to the Supergirl telestial kingdom when I die.  It would mean I don’t get to go to heaven, but it oughta be nice making love to Supergirl.  But I wonder what costume she’ll wear.  The blue one?  Or the white one?  Or the purple one that Jesus imagined?

Again, I want to tell you what psychics told me: Don’t become obsessed with Supergirl if you don’t want to go to this telestial kingdom.


Psychics told me after I published this entry that the symbol that Jesus imagined on the chest of the costume of the “Supergirl” he invented was the Hebrew letter “dalet.”  It is the Hebrew equivalent of the English letter “D.”  As in English, it is the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  It symbolizes the names of God.  Here is a picture of dalet:


Sex Magick

There are 2 main purposes of sex magick.  One is to reach higher states of pleasure.  The other is to commune with beings in a higher state of existence.

You see, many spirits are drawn to sex and sexual power.  When you have sex, you will attract many sex-crazed spirits.  As you masturbate or have sex with someone you may be able to sense many spirits trying to visit the space around your body — especially around your sexual organs where the feeling of pleasure is strongest.  Try to send thoughts to these spirits and speak to them outloud.  They will hear you and know your thoughts.

The feeling of ecstasy as you have sex (and especially when you climax) is produced by chemicals in your body making you feel good.  But this also produces magick.  Just as with any other kind of energy, sex energy is put off by your body.  Try to sense this energy and you will learn to conjure it even when you are not having sex.  You can learn to make yourself a receptor for sexual energy being put off by other people in the universe having sex.

The only way to not attract evil spirits when having sex is to do it God’s way.  First, you should only have sex with someone whom you are married to (at least legally).  This is the law of chastity.  Even masturbation (sex by yourself) is against the will of God.  Sex between a couple and someone else (a menage-a-trois or threesome) is just as forbidden.

When a couple has sex, one of the partners should fart before the sex begins.  Jesus was very specific about this with psychics.  He told early Christians telepathically that someone should pass gas before sex.  The farting sickens many evil spirits and they leave.  Also, the passing of gas changes your state of mind from wanting to enjoy the sex to being reluctant to do it.  You are saved from sinful lust.

Husbands should not lust after their wives.  Wives should not lust after their husbands.  In fact, it’s better if you don’t even enjoy the sex.  The evil spirits will not try to go inside of you and be in your set if you’re not taking in the pleasure of it.  Just enough foreplay to get aroused.  And just enough sex for the man to reach climax.  If the man did not cum inside the woman the sex is sinful.  The only purpose of sex should be to procreate.  If you’re not trying to make a baby, don’t have sex!  Some say that it is ok for the woman to reach climax too as this increases the chance of conception.  But some say it is best if the woman is spared from this pleasure of the flesh which can cause spiritual death.

When the man cums, he should avoid enjoying the climax.  I recommend clearing your throat and holding some of the mucus on your tongue.  Just as with the fart, feeling the mucus in your mouth will keep you from feeling lust of the flesh.  A psychic, Catholic priest taught me this when I was in the shower, washing my penis.  It prevented me from accidentally masturbating.

I discovered sex magick by masturbating.  I talked to spirits who live for no other reason than to draw sex energy from people having sex or masturbating.  I was able to see the energy that came from my cock.  I know sex magick is real.  But it is also a sin.  I write about it to share my knowledge through experience.  But it is best avoided.  Keeping the law of chastity leads to eternal life with God and Jesus.  Most Christian religions teach the law of chastity.  But the knowledge of Jesus’ rules for having sex (namely, farting before sex) was taught to me by psychic Christians.  I testify that these things are truly the will of Jesus.  The Spirit of Truth has confirmed it.  Pray about it and you’ll know it’s true too.  You should only have sex with your spouse.  And you should pass gas before having sex.

I hope this blog entry doesn’t lead people to start having sex outside of marriage or to masturbate.  But if you are still enjoying this sin, I can tell you that you can increase your pleasure by manipulating the energies that sex creates.  Ultimately, though, I found out that I really didn’t like sex.  I would only masturbate because spirits wanted me to.  They would go inside of me and cause me to engage in this sin.  If you are a sex addict, you might find out through sex magick that it is similar evil spirits driving you to transgress.  But eventually the Holy Ghost will prompt you to repent of this transgression.  The Lord will give you space to repent and you must do it or your soul will suffer spiritual death.  Even looking at a woman lustfully can lead to spiritual blindness.  I have repented of this transgression.

God only wants you to have sex if you need it.  Paul makes this very clear in 1 Corinthians 7:1-9.

1 …It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have this own wife, and let every woman have her own husband

8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.

9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

Verse 8 makes it clear that God prefers if we don’t have sex and remain unmarried.  But if we cannot resist we should marry so we can have sex with someone.

I no longer masturbate.  And I am happy being single.  I know God favors me over someone who enjoys sex.

Remember that it is a sin to have sex if you’re not trying to make a baby!  God hates it when people have sex without the possibility of pregnancy.  This is the divine purpose of sex.  The only reason it feels so irresistible is so that we have a motive to procreate.

If you get good at sex magick, you will be able to make yourself feel good even when you are not having sex.  Jesus told psychic people telepathically that they should watch a Race Car Baby (by remote-viewing powers) and set him to have sex if they feel they need sex.  Watching a Baby have sex works much the same way as POV (point-of-view) porn.  This is the type of pornography where the guy is holding the camera while he has sex with the woman.  Watching this type of pornography is the second worst form of pornography you can watch as a Christian.  It is evidence of past lives.  The worst kind is diaper porn.  Jesus said specifically to many psychics that he hated adults using the diapers of a baby for whoredom.  He hates adult diapers except with people who use them for incontinence.  Remote-viewing a Baby and setting them to have sex is the only way a Christian can enjoy sex outside of marriage.  As a psychic, you are having sex vicariously through a Baby already doomed to go to hell.  The baby lives more than one human life through reincarnation, but being the Baby is the most Christian life you can live as a sinner.  Since he is already going to hell, he can have sex.  And psychic Christians can watch him with their psychic powers.

Also, there are people having sex all over the world and their energy is everywhere.  Learn to conjure it and attract it.  At first, you will need to imagine the sights and sounds of sex in your head.  Thighs, buttocks, breasts, a man’s bare chest for sights.  And moans, groans, squirms, slapping of bodies for sounds.  By imagining these things your brain will be in a set where sex is happening.  It will tune in to frequencies where sexual energy is being put off.  But if you get really good at it, you’ll be able to conjure this energy without sinning.  They are just feelings caused by chemistry (neuro-transmitters releasing in people’s bodies).  I can tune in to psychic waves from sex just by recalling how good it feels.  And I don’t have to imagine the feeling in my sexual areas.  I can try to feel it in my elbow if I want.

Find a righteous way to satisfy your desire for pleasure.  Lest you be a slave to immoral sexual acts.

Race Car Baby

There are special babies from the Baby Race that Jesus told us to preserve.  These babies are destined to marry starlets or to be like prophets of people’s past lives.  A prophet of sinners.  Someone to count on for religious purposes like prophets of old.  Or they get to marry starlets.

The way they decide if you’re the one who is going to marry starlets is by giving you leave offers.  While you are “in there” with the Italians (which is where they torture you for being psychic) you will also be given offers to leave your house walking so that you can meet and marry all sorts of women.  They show you all sorts of starlets by giving you visions of pretty girls in your head.  All this and more if you are reborn as a Race Car Baby.

But if you don’t leave your house walking on any of these offers after a certain time the Church will determine that you are a prophet instead.  You will learn alot of religion telepathically and many psychics will see you as a source for accurate religion and information about their past lives.

Every region where Catholics can establish their prerogative there will be a ‘Real’ Race Car Baby.  There is a Real of Italy, for example.  There is also a Real Race Car Baby of all of Lithuania.

I am the Real of All the World.  Real Race Car Babies of All the World take a name of Arthur.  I am Arthur III.  Arthur II married starlets.  So did Arthur I who I have heard is dead now but I don’t know for certain.  They say they have made Arthur IV.  After 4 Arthurs they start over at 1 again.  There has been consecutive Arthur First, Second, Third, and Fourths for a long time now.  I would guess a thousand years.

Again I have special permission to type about these things.

The Baby

One of the things that Jesus telepathically told us to do while he lived on the Earth is to create a race of men known as ‘The Baby.’  To make one, many people have to merge so that they can, as psychics, see the microscopic organism that is created when human life begins.  The mother is fertilized, much like Jesus was, through psychics who have a copy of the DNA of ‘The Baby’ —  usually through human feces.  That psychics are involved in the making of the baby mirrors the fact that the Holy Ghost himself fertilized Mary.  The conception of a ‘baby’ is quite miraculous for those who have had a chance to partake in the making of one.

Most babies have the brain of Jesus.  They are very smart as was our LORD.  Jesus said it was a sin to have the same brain as him so most babies are not on their first life.  They have sinned in a previous life but have proven a faith to the LORD that would allow them to have the same brain as our master.

Some babies don’t have the same brain as the one widely held to be that of Jesus.  Some have a brain that is among the other few brains rumored to have been the actual brain of Jesus.  But almost all babies have at least one body part that is exactly like Jesus’.

Babies are also darker in color.  They are white as opposed to black, but it is a very tan white.  They look like Mexicans or Middle-Easterners.  Some would describe the skin color as brown.  But Jesus said to view ‘The Baby’ as a white.  Even as white as Caucasians.  You see, Jesus was a white supremacist to some degree.  He felt that this special race he was creating should be viewed as just as superior as any other whites.

In fact, some babies are born with white skin (much like a Caucasian’s).  As they grow, some areas of skin color tan to a darker color.  But many babies still have white skin underneath their clothes which block the sun.

If there are Catholics where you live, there is probably a baby somewhere in your community.  The race they identify with is that of their parents which is usually a white yet dark race.  Jesus said that Christian psychics should watch at least one baby regularly through remote viewing powers.  Most people who are psychic watch at least three babies.  This makes Babies psychic celebrities.